

https://www.storyjumper.com/book/read/80108735 Hi! As my students are really young, I have created a story to work in class “ I CHOOSE HAPPINESS”. It is based on the importance of making new friends and how to do it. The idea is to help my students understand that friendship is essential in our lives and we mustn’t exclude anyone. Before showing the story, I ask my students how they make friends and if they find it difficult. After listening their answers, I start with the story. At the end of the story, there are two main questions to answer orally:  Do you like meeting new people? What do you do to make new friends?  The idea is to make my students reflect on the importance of friendship and that must respect others. After talking about it, I organize my students in groups of four and I give a card to each group. In it, they can read a quote about friendship. Each group must reflect on its card and draw a picture about it. Then, I am going t...


Hi! In my school there is no possibility for my studetns to create the Genially Project as we havent got computers. As a consequence, I have chosen to create one about “False Friends”. I think this topic is really interesting and for the third cycle is really useful as they start to incorporate English in their daily routine. To work on oral skills, I am going to ask my students to participate during the whole presentation. Before starting Genially, I ask them if they know what “False Friends” means and after brainstorming, I will tell them the truth. Then, I start with the presentation and I will tell them to repeat after me the words that appear in the presentation. I will also ask them if they have made this kind of mistakes before. Finally, after watching the presentation, I will give them the list of False Friends that have appeared before and then, ask them to look for another false friend in pairs. Then, they will have to create a dialog, where they can show to...


Hi everyone! I have chosen Rafa’s Genially:  https://teacherrafaalmeria.blogspot.com As I said in his blog, I think it is really interesting to work on different English speaking countries to make students understand the importance of learning English and learn a little bit more about other cultures. In this sense, after showing my students this Genially. I propose the following activities.  First, Brainstorming the reason why they speak English in India.   (Commerce).  Then, look for the most important city in India (Mombai) using Google Maps and showing different pictures, making them understand how different it is from our city; people's clothes, food, buildings and so on.  Then, I ask them to write on their own a list of eight countries where they think that English is spoken to play a Bingo. I am going to say different countries and the first one who completes the whole list is the winner. After this, the idea is to check the cities they have w...


Hello, here you can find the video I have modified to work it on the first cycle of Primary Education. https://edpuzzle.com/media/5e62307a6198cf4121ada33e I have chosen this video because I am working on body parts and I think they would find it enjoyable and motivating. I love Steve and Maggie and my kids love them too. I know they like this kind of activities because they imply their participation and they can watch the video at home and share it with their families, something that they really love doing. Of course, next time I am going to look for videos that have more content and give me the opportunity of creating different types of activities and writing different notes. With this activity, my students: - Use authentic materials, as they can watch the video on the computer or the iPad, becoming an interactive activity. - Reinforce the content we work in the class, acting as a post activity. - Work on "body parts", a topic they love as it implies ...


Hello! Here you can find the timeline I have created as a demonstration of the app usefulness. https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2189151 I have prepared this activity on my own because my students are not ready yet because of their age and my school context. Despite this fact, I have shown this timeline to my students, so that they can: - Discover the different variety of English books they have. - Learn a little bit of the English literature and history. - Practice the second language in a meaningful and enjoyable way. Timetoast is a great resource as it makes easier the learning process. It is brief, attractive, motivating, easy, and also promotes students' participation as they do not only see the timelines but also create them, giving students an active role. Thanks to   Timetoast, I have organized better the data I want my students to learn and my students also get in a different way the information, becoming an interactive and meaningful activity. Bye! ...


Hello! These are the answers for the  Activity 2.2 What kind of books or texts are the people reading?  Did they chose the books themselves or did someone else choose for them?  My parents used to read to me when I was a child and as a result, I love reading. I read before sleeping every day because it helps me to relax and disconnect.  I think that reading for pleasure is one of the best ways to learn a language. It teaches you new vocabulary in an indirect way and in a positive atmosphere. I have never seen reading as a complex or annoying task but of course, nowadays I enjoy reading more as before because I know what I like and nobody says what should I read. Generally, at school, children read books that teachers have chosen before. As a consequence, I think that many students don’t find pleasure on reading, because maybe they are not related to their preferences. People, who love reading, choose a book for many reasons, but people who suddenly decide...

