Hi everyone!
I have chosen Rafa’s Genially: https://teacherrafaalmeria.blogspot.com
As I said in his blog, I think it is really interesting to work on different English speaking countries to make students understand the importance of learning English and learn a little bit more about other cultures.
In this sense, after showing my students this Genially. I propose the following activities. First, Brainstorming the reason why they speak English in India. (Commerce). Then, look for the most important city in India (Mombai) using Google Maps and showing different pictures, making them understand how different it is from our city; people's clothes, food, buildings and so on. Then, I ask them to write on their own a list of eight countries where they think that English is spoken to play a Bingo. I am going to say different countries and the first one who completes the whole list is the winner. After this, the idea is to check the cities they have written before and clarify the languages that correspond to that country.
Hope you find interesting my activity!
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